Project ECHO for Campus Mental Health

Continuing for the 2023-2024 year, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Community and Technical College System of West Virginia will be partnering with the Project ECHO team at the West Virginia Clinical & Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI) to offer another ECHO series on Campus Mental Health for faculty and student support personnel working in various roles at WV colleges and universities. Using the ECHO “hub and spoke” model, each session of the series will include a brief expert presentation on a topic related to college student mental health, followed by a participant lead discussion. Participants from campus counseling centers, health centers, student support, advising, housing, activities, conduct, or campus safety offices will be invited to present discussion topics for the interdisciplinary discussions.

To learn more, watch this brief video: Project ECHO for Campus Mental Health

Series meets the first Tuesday of each month.
All sessions are held 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST.
CEs are anticipated for WV SW, LPC, and WVCBAPP. 

For additional details, see series flyers: Project ECHO Campus Mental Health Flyer - Spring 2024

To register, please follow this link: Project ECHO Campus Mental Health Registration

To view recordings from past Project ECHO for Campus Mental Health Series visit this link: