Lesson 13: Your High School Planning Time Line and Organization


Lesson Summary:

Appropriate for: Grades 9-12

    Goals and Objectives:
  1. Students will get organized.
  2. Students will take personal responsibility for their education.
  3. Students will know the important due dates.

Click here to view relevant content standards and objectives.

  1. Using the High School and College Time Lines of CFWV.com, students will determine important due dates for their year in school.
  2. Students will look up application due dates for specific schools using the School Finder tool.
  3. Students will look for scholarship due dates under the Financial Aid Planning Tab.
  4. Students will use the attached worksheet to keep track of the important dates.
  5. Students will take the completed worksheet home to place somewhere they will see it daily.
  6. Both students and parents will use this as a reference.
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